
All true. Nomen est omen: hyped and loopy. Richard Branson of Virgin Atlantic should have realized this: with passenger jets and hyperloops we’re talking transport systems that have remarkable similarities. They are both cylindrical-shaped, offer low drag transit close to the speed of sound, and they make use of low air pressure. Hyperloop will use up a lot of energy to create and keep a near-vacuum, the passenger jet climbs to a 9–10 km altitude, where there is much more space to begin with and to reduce drag. Of course, the jet can do without an outrageously costly infrastructure that still needs to be invented and engineered. It’s just one reason why hyperloop will never succeed.



Ralph Panhuyzen
Ralph Panhuyzen

Written by Ralph Panhuyzen

Dutchman identifying how high-tech bypasses common sense to sell us a solution that often misses the point what true progress is all about

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