America needs closure. Otherwise Trump followers may still live the illusion that he’s some sort of hero. He’s not. Conflicts of interests, power abuse, possibly colluding with Russia to win the 2016 elections, tax evasion, groping women… it should all be addressed in multiple court cases. If he gets convicted, it will help to see that man differently. There are some good points in his economic agenda though which Democrats might want to or should even take over: trade policies particularly in relation to China, lure back manufacturing. The thing is this: despite their marginal victory, only Democrats can reach out across the aisle, since it still has a leftists/liberal wing it manages to keep within its ranks. The GOP is much more dominated by its right-wingers who have a more intolerant agenda leaning towards conspiracy thinkers, anti-government old-teapartiers, evangelical “the-end-is-near” preppers, and gun lovers.
“A MAGA constituency that subscribes to the view of Biden and Obama as criminals and the media as enemies of the people is always going to push the GOP to the right and act as a powerful disincentive to compromise or centrism. That dynamic will hinder any effort to find common ground between Capitol Hill Republicans and President-elect Biden”, says GOP strategist Rick Tyler.