Another similarity may make its acquaintance in the coming few years: the EV as a smart-appliance for mobility purposes. Steve Jobs realized that new technology should bring Apple to reformat the cellular phone. It had to be rectangular, flat, have rounded edges with specific radius, combine different functions, have a (relatively) big screen and no keys. Besides swapping the fossil engine for electric drive, Musk never came to reformatting the electric car… He only swapped the ICE for electric drive. Teslas actually look pretty conventional. Dyson, as an electric appliance maker, should have realized this: that an EV 2.0 is basically an oversized appliance. We shouldn’t forget that our beloved car is about to become a household’s biggest consumer of electricity, which has huge implications for charging infrastructure and power grids. Better work on more energy efficiency as well then. That implies: reducing an EV’s size and weight.