Car has become a techie playground: use cars as a given, then add technology. It shouldn’t be. Look what the cavalier attitude of the Boeing dept. responsible for systems development in the Boeing 737 Max has lead to. Common sense should prevail. Since automakers use on-board tech as a X-Mas tree to bring in more sales, and TNCs like Uber haven’t been successful in making cars drive itself, the inspiration for the Next-Gen car ought to come from somewhere else: the smartphone. It took a a complete branch and industry by surprise. Its essence? Form-follows-function looks, feel and significance. The car ought to become a Smart-Mobility ‘App’ in the same sense, an all-electric & electronic appliance as a final stage in automotive development: form-follows-function sleek, clean, flexible and versatile. There’s where the big turnaround will be. To quote Lotus Colin Chapman “Simplify, then add lightness”… and technology.