On the subject of “simultaneous inventing” and IP claims
Easier said than done. I have been dealing with this for over a decade. Most inventions and innovations need to be developed (further) by major companies, in order to become noticed and taken seriously. However, most OEMs have IP policies how to deal with ideas brought to their attention by outsiders: these creative people loose their IP. It does explain a lot. For instance why progress has not been made in certain fields despite the billions of dollars that already went into them. It’s called: "if it's not invented by us, we will not pursue it.” Shareholders should be aware how this affects business. Then again, OEMs cannot base their IP claim on "simultaneous inventing" when the original idea already received acclaim and recognition at conferences and in the media. Samsung had to pay an undisclosed sum to Apple for their smartphones that looked a lot like Apple iPhones. So it IS important to go out there and tell it on the mountain.