Links to my pdf publications

Ralph Panhuyzen
3 min readNov 8, 2022


Since a lot of times emails I sent with pdf attachments and links get lost, I decided to put the most important pdf’s here. Click on underlined words to access them.

  1. How we can make a huge difference. Climate Change challenges us to reduce vehicle footprint and mass without sacrificing Fahrvergnügen; this one-page summary is also the entry to related subjects.
  2. The car is a household’s #1 device that devours energy, space, finances, precious materials… costs lives. Electrification is just the first stage to reduce a car’s impact. What’s next?
  3. is my principle outline regarding a post-Tesla EV, in which lean clean green is incorporated to have it function as a ‘Smart-Mobility’ app(liance).
  4. ‘Autonomous’ is about Reformatting the Car to improve its chances of safe driverless operation — to quote Steve Jobs: “Design is not just what it looks like, design is how it works”.
  5. ‘Safety First’ is about improving road safety and autonomous operation as two sides of the very same coin. Food for Thought (and inspiration) for safety experts and authorities, like the NHTSA, NTSB, IIHS, ETSC, NCAP.
  6. Bijdrage aan Klimaatstudio NPO Radio 1 Op COP 27 wordt gesproken over tig miljarden die voor de baat geïnvesteerd moeten worden. Welnu, meer efficiency in automobiliteit zorgt niet alleen voor grote besparingen bij gebruikers en overheden, het is een goed voorbeeld van Climate Change tegengaan doordat mensen gewoonweg voor meer efficiency opteren.

7. Why the Sleek Shall Inherit an Autonomous Earth (first). SEVEN reasons why SAE Level 5 Autonomous will take longer to realize, which I haven’t seen AV developers address properly.

8. Seamless 2D & 3D Personal Mobility by having a lightweight, low-drag module interface between ground transportation and aerial transit. Urban Air Mobility — “It’s the Logistics, stupid! Logistics and real estate determine bottom-line economics of any urban air mobility system and will form the difference between profitability and yet another losing ride-hail proposition.

9. Battery Swapping may well be the EV’s next step. Benefits: vehicle purchase and battery lease can be kept separate, a lighter battery for daily use and a heavier, long-range battery when occasionaly needed, plus a battery swap as quick as fueling up. Recharge from the grid remains optional (like Nio does).

10. Rethinking how things ought to work, should lead to a reformat of products. Some of 20th century’s best ideas were actually based on plain common sense. Good to know, before you start throwing away dollars to wishful engineering.

11. How to improve the business model of robo-taxis. Experts warned that (a) driverless still needs to prove itself beyond a reasonable safety doubt, and (b) on-board AV tech will remain more costly than having a human driver steer the taxi for a long time. Then again, robo-taxis do have the potential to make it to semi-Public Transportation…

Ralph Panhuyzen, | @NextGenEV



Ralph Panhuyzen
Ralph Panhuyzen

Written by Ralph Panhuyzen

Dutchman identifying how high-tech bypasses common sense to sell us a solution that often misses the point what true progress is all about

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