Never quite understood why billions are invested in the 2nd term in ‘vehicle autonomy’. By that I mean the driverless technology, and the car itself is considered a given. That’s like having state-of-the-art micro-electronics, and still using brick-like mobile phones. New technology tends to bring about a ‘reformat’ of products. Why should the car be excluded? Making cars smaller and sleeker yields three major advantages in having them function autonomously: 1. the less road space is used, the more margin to evade other road users, 2. the easier the task of overseeing vehicle and its surroundings for the autonomous on-board tech, 3. the human driver acts as a fail-safe, he/she will feel more committed, can be more alert, particularly if he/she has great peripheral view. Think of a helmet-on-wheels. Helmet makers already experiment with 360 degree cameras whereby the rear vision is projected on the visor’s inside).