BIG Fad. There is of course an intriguing similarity between passenger jet and hyperloop. They both propel cylindrical passenger cabins close to the speed of sound and with minimum air resistance from A to B. The jet does it by cruising at a height of approx. 9–10 km, without needing any infrastructure in between. Which explains why this basically standalone transport mode is so affordable. The hyperloop does it by using costly pipelines which need be vacuumed. My basic objection is that it is based on precision engineering and constructing solutions that still need to be invented (do you realize how hard it is to maintain an almost vacuum?), and are therefore very iffy. Passenger nausea, track bends, standardization (which system will prevail?), logistics, sabotage are just a few other things that have not been figured out either. Hyperloop is just what its name suggests: loopy thinking, hyped far beyond common sense. The simplest and verifiably most affordable way for medium and long distance travel is making passenger planes run on hydrogen and perhaps even batteries (when they manage to sort out the low energy density aspect).