Two observations. 1. Many times true, concrete, viable and technically feasible innovations get unnoticed, even marginalized or ignored despite of its potential to make things better for whoever uses it. This phenomenon is often referred to as "if it's not invented in-house, we will not pursue it". Brings me to 2. Not all progress comes from large OEMs. Just think about it, that some outsider had brought the idea that a flat, black tile would constitute the most important step forward in personal communicating since Edison (or Graham Bell). 99 percent chance that he would have gotten nowhere. As we all know, Steve Jobs was able to pursue his smartphone format (flat, black tile) within the Apple confines. It galvanized his reputation as a true visionary, and made Apple (at that time an outsider to the telecom sector) the world’s richest company. That’s the sad thing about ‘fake innovators’ who are great in pitching their narrative with investors who no longer do their homework. Companies like Uber evolve into huge financial black holes: they suck in billions, and nothing comes back to base any long-term confidence on, that things will get better.